

Світовий Конґрес Українських Молодіжних Організацій (СКУМО) глибoкo обурений i засуджує вoєнну агресiю Російської Федерації прoти Украïни, висунення ультиматумiв Збрoйним силам України в АР Крим, мoжливе рoзв’язання грoмадянськoï вiйни та спрoвoкування

Since late November, demonstrations at Kyiv’s Maidan have gripped all of Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora. The horrific state-sanctioned violence witnessed last week appalled and angered the world. Claiming the

Excerpt from «”It has literally been terrifying to watch the live-stream footage of the violence and brutality,” said Christine Czoli, 27, a PhD student at UW who is president

If you’re looking for a summer job, Camp Sokil currently is taking applications for their summer camp! For more information, please visit their website:

From December 16 through December 19, 2013, SUSK President Christine Czoli visited and lent support to Kyiv’s Euromaidan. Her visit was spent exploring and documenting Euromaidan through photos and brief video interviews with